Flower Press Studios


A portfolio career makes me more productive

Vanessa Grzywacz

One of the main reasons I started Flower press studios was the opportunity to give me the flexibility to work around my children and control my day. I love my main job as a magazine art director/designer but after nearly 20 years of designing magazines its nice now to have the freedom to pursue a portfolio career. I can have 2 or 3 careers that run along side by side: Stylist, designer, creative director of Flower Press Studios and Social media manager.

My short day (I fit my work in and around the school day) has made me be more productive. I'm strict about what time I start work: 9.15am. I work solidly until 11.30 (whilst listening to the radio) .Then I break for lunch and then work through until 2.45pm. Then it's back on the school run. No time is wasted. I allocate slots for work, social media, photography, website updates, uploads to Etsy, fulfilling orders and trips to the post office. There is no chance to faff about!. I have a short day and I need to make each part count. Sometimes I do find myself working in the evenings but as the owner of a small business its no longer a chore. Everything I do I do for me and my business and I actually quite enjoy tweaking listings and keywords and working on SEO in the evenings. Pressing flowers is by nature a "slow art" so patience is key but also making use of the time I have is increasingly crucial.

#portfolio career #flowerpressstudios #schoolrunmum #smallbusiness #mumsinbusiness #etsyseller #etsyuk