Flower Press Studios



Here's a bit about me…

Vanessa Grzywacz

It’s a new year so I thought I’d start 2023 introducing myself. My name is Vanessa and I’m the Creative Director at Flower Press Studios. I started Flower Press Studios in 2017 as a way of preserving some of the flowers that I grow in my garden. I began making pictures and cards that I sold on Etsy and through my website. Gradually word spread and I started to be featured in the press ( House Beautiful, Psychologies and the Flower Patch amongst others ) gradually my ‘Side hustle” became more of a main hustle!
My background is in graphic design as an Art Director and Designer working for a variety of clients. These include Brides, Red, New Woman, Kintsugi and You magazine to name a few. Now however I increasingly love working for myself and am looking forward to developing Flower Press Studios much more this year. (Keep an eye out for my new range of bespoke wedding stationary featuring pressed flowers).
As Flower Press Studios has expanded, I began accepting commissions to press special flowers. It’s always an honour to be trusted to make a picture from flowers that people hold dear. From wedding bouquets to funeral flowers to single flowers picked as a present from a client to his girlfriend I have pressed them all and made them into bespoke art for my clients. Just contact me to discuss.